And Bob knocks another one out of the park and the fans go wild!
Most of those people that are accused of being "Transgender" are Androgyne, from the original bloodline. If you have a penis and a vagina, you can present as a boy or a girl. There are as many as 40 variations. Eve was “symbolically” the first human created by genetic modification to be single sex organisms. ”Heterosexuals” were not the first "people". The first were Androgyne. Hermaphrodites, with dual sex organs and the ability to reproduce asexually. Adam was created in Genesis chapter one and Eve wasn't created until genesis chapter two. Adam was androgyne. Eve was the first single sex human. When they left the garden they met up with other people. The second clue to the reality that humanity did not begin with Adam and Eve. It just reached the crossroads… The story was an encoded message about the genetic split to create separate man and woman. That is what the majority of people are today.
Some misinterpret Genesis 1 "He made them male and female" to mean a separate difference, when in fact it means "in addition to". Otherwise there would be no need to create Eve from Adam, who was known to be Hermaphrodite… They were BOTH male AND female. They had a penis AND a vagina. Hermaphrodites were long proven by the "science" to have predated the single sex versions.
The Overlords/Elite are of this original species.
Many suspect some are surgery modified "trans", and there are some that exist. But many are in reality Androgyne/Hermaphrodie/Intersex. There are many varieties of the genitalia, some may have more male or female traits while others are balanced. Some are self-replicating.
Many people found today to have both organs are said to be "rare", I suspect they are more "organic" and the majority are the genetically modified versions...
These Androgyne are found in the highest places of power and this is one of the reasons why the "bloodline" is so sacred.
The picture and the description are equally brilliant.
Both hilarious and sinister as is the case with so many of Bob’s excellent drawings. Thank you 🙏🏻
Accurate depiction of the evil one and gross
And Bob knocks another one out of the park and the fans go wild!
Most of those people that are accused of being "Transgender" are Androgyne, from the original bloodline. If you have a penis and a vagina, you can present as a boy or a girl. There are as many as 40 variations. Eve was “symbolically” the first human created by genetic modification to be single sex organisms. ”Heterosexuals” were not the first "people". The first were Androgyne. Hermaphrodites, with dual sex organs and the ability to reproduce asexually. Adam was created in Genesis chapter one and Eve wasn't created until genesis chapter two. Adam was androgyne. Eve was the first single sex human. When they left the garden they met up with other people. The second clue to the reality that humanity did not begin with Adam and Eve. It just reached the crossroads… The story was an encoded message about the genetic split to create separate man and woman. That is what the majority of people are today.
Some misinterpret Genesis 1 "He made them male and female" to mean a separate difference, when in fact it means "in addition to". Otherwise there would be no need to create Eve from Adam, who was known to be Hermaphrodite… They were BOTH male AND female. They had a penis AND a vagina. Hermaphrodites were long proven by the "science" to have predated the single sex versions.
The Overlords/Elite are of this original species.
Many suspect some are surgery modified "trans", and there are some that exist. But many are in reality Androgyne/Hermaphrodie/Intersex. There are many varieties of the genitalia, some may have more male or female traits while others are balanced. Some are self-replicating.
Many people found today to have both organs are said to be "rare", I suspect they are more "organic" and the majority are the genetically modified versions...
These Androgyne are found in the highest places of power and this is one of the reasons why the "bloodline" is so sacred.
The Gates of Hell…..
The tits made me laugh out loud.
The actual model for this caracature is becoming more like it every year. Yikes
Sort of appropriate that it's family is Culicidae.
Sorry for the production quality I suffer massive social anxiety. I hope it may explain somethings.
The facial expression is bang on Bob, outstanding skill you have ! Thank you
I feel a series in the offing! The Moran demonology.